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Statement of Commitment

Carlington Community Health Centre (“CCHC”) is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Carlington welcomes and encourages people with disabilities to use programs and services. CCHC will provide access to programs and services for people with disabilities in a way that respects their rights to dignity, independence, and integration.

This commitment is consistent with CCHC’s mission to deliver services in a welcoming and supportive environment and with CCHC‘s core value of equity; accessibility, diversity, and fairness in the treatment of all individuals.

CCHC will establish policies, practices and procedures which support the accessibility standards established under the AODA on customer service, information and communication, employment and the built environment.

If you need communication supports or materials in accessible format, please phone us at 613-722-4000.

CCHC’s Accessibility Policy (PDF)

CCHC’s Multi-year Accessibility Plan (PDF)

Accessibility Compliance Report 2020 (PDF)

Tell us about your experience – we want to improve.

Carlington welcomes feedback about its accessibility practices. You can make a complaint by contacting the Human Resources Manager, the Executive Director, or any member of Carlington staff. If you want to make an anonymous complaint can use our survey boxes on each floor in the centre, or you can contact us by telephone, fax, email, or regular mail. Our contact information is below.