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Student Placements

Thank you for your interest in a student placement at Carlington Community Health Centre. We take student placements based on the availability of staff to provide supervision and congruence between student learning goals and our programs.

The Counselling Team considers student placements from Master’s Level University students in Social Work (MSW), Educational Counselling (M Ed), Counselling (MA). We will also consider 4th year BSW students. Preference is given to students who have some prior counselling experience and who are bilingual. Should you require further information please contact

The Parent-Child Program considers student placements from Social Work, Social Service Worker and Early Childhood Education Programs at the College and University levels. For ECE placements in a childcare setting, you can call directly to the Annavale Headstart Nursery School at 613-798-5689. For other placements you can call 613-722-4000 extension 243.

Students considering requests in the Assertive Community Team should first visit the Ontario ACT Association website in order to understand the type of mental health service that is provided through the ACT team. ACT welcomes students from Social Work, Counsellor, Medical and Nursing. Preference is given to students who are able to come for more intense and consistent placement. For placement requests please call 612-722-4000 extension 281 or contact

The Health Promotion and Counselling team accepts student placement requests from Social Work, Social Service Worker and Health Promotion programs. For placement requests please contact The counselling team is now closed to accepting applications for psychology students, but is still open for MSW students.

The Primary Health Care team works in collaboration with accredited educational facilities to foster student learning and clinical experience in the community setting. Students learn how to deliver primary health care by assessing the client’s needs from the a holistic perspective while using a multidiscipline approach to deliver optimal care. All requests for student placements should be directed to 612-722-4000 extension 489.