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Programs and Services

Families / Family and Parenting Support

Woman helping a mother and her toddler read

Individual Family and Parenting Support

One-on-one consultation available with Family Support worker, as well as information, referrals and support regarding parenting and pregnancy. By appointment only. In person and online. Call 613-722-4000 ext. 246 or 203

Healthy baby

Parenting Newborns and Infants

Join our Family Support Worker for Q & A sessions about parenting newborns and infants. This Facebook group is open to all Ottawa residents who are pregnant or parenting a child under 6 months. For more information, call 613-722-4000 ext. 203.  For days and times, please see our CALENDAR

Women chatting over coffee

Snack and Chat

Health and parenting program for women interested in learning about parenting, health issues, nutrition. For more information, call 613-722-4000 ext. 246.  For days and times, please see our CALENDAR

Child doing finger painting

Supporting Neighbourhood Caregivers

Training program for anyone interested in offering childcare in their home. Five to eight-week sessions offered in English and Arabic. Online, seasonal program.  For information, call 613-722-4000 ext. 246   For days and times, please visit our CALENDAR

Parents and child having a group hug

Positive Discipline

An approach to parenting that support parent guide and teach their child in a way that protects and socializes them to have self-control, be independent, and respect themselves and others. For families with children ages 0–6 years. Online, seasonal program.  CURRENTLY ON HOLD.  For information email

Nobody's Perfect

Nobody’s Perfecting: Arabic Parenting Group, is a parenting program where parents of young children (aged 0-5) will be able to share their questions, learn about child development, safety, health and behavior, talk about real-life parenting experiences, work together with the support of a trained facilitator, and discover ways of positive parenting. The Centre will offer light snacks, and childcare services for children between ages 0-5 years old during the program. Limited spaces available.

The six week program will be held on Thursdays starting on October 3rd, until November 14th, 2024, excluding October 31, 2024.

Contact Rafal at (613) 693-0293, or