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Programs and Services

Families / EarlyON Child and Family Centre

EarlyON ON y va

EarlyON Child and Family Centre for families with children aged 0-6 years

EarlyON Child and Family Centres provide opportunities for children from birth to six years of age to participate in play and inquiry-based programs, and support parents and caregivers in their roles. We offer safe and welcoming environments open to all families across Ontario, with qualified professionals and quality programs. Families and caregivers will be able to find support, make personal connections and access a network of resources.  At Carlington CHC, we are to please to welcome you and your little ones at any of our programs.   If you are having difficulty finding program, registering, or have questions, email us at


EarlyON Newsletter

Subscribe to our EarlyON Newsletter to stay informed of our current programs and get weekly activities to do at home, or in the community with your child!

Toddlers at play

EarlyON Playgroups

Join us in our beautiful new playroom and garden, featuring a natural, calming, and spacious play environment at our main site or join us in a community location near you. Join our Early Childhood Educators for stories, songs, arts and crafts, and funny dances! For children ages 0-6 years. Due to limited spots registration is encouraged. Registration via CALENDAR links or our EarlyON Newsletter.

For days, times and registration links, please see our CALENDAR

Two children playing outside in the snow with a toy truck

EarlyON Playgroups in the Park

Outdoor playgroups at your local park; Stories Walks in your neighborhood.  Multiple community locations.  Join us and make the most of the great outdoors with your little ones!!

For days, times and registration links, see our CALENDAR

Adult and child hands

Ask Us! EarlyON One-on One Parenting Support

You have questions about how your child is growing? Bedtime routines? Teething? Mealtime? About activities in the community? About childcare options? Ask our Early Childhood Educators for information, resources and support!   Email us at to book an appointment (virtual or in-person)

EarlyON Workshops

A variety of short programs and workshops focused on child development and parenting topics, offered throughout the year, some virtual, some in-person when possible.

Infant Massage: For families with babies 0 to 18 months.  4-week program, meeting once a week.

Kids Have Stress Too!: Introduction to early childhood and brain development, and the crucial role you play in helping children learn effective stress-management strategies. One meeting.

Monthly EarlyON Workshop series: 90min workshops, mostly virtual, to learn more about child development, Picky Eaters, Potty Training, School Readiness, and more.

Subscribe to our EarlyON Newsletter to keep up to date on upcoming programs and topics. For times and days of our next programs sessions, and to register, please see our CALENDAR. For more Family and Parenting supports, visit our FAMILY AND PARENTING SUPPORT PAGE

Two children

EarlyON Parenting Groups

A variety of parenting programs offered throughout the year, some virtual, some in-person when possible:

Nobody’s Perfect: A parenting support program focus on building a strong attachment relationship. 6-week program, meeting once a week.

Family Math: Support numeracy literacy through play! For families with children 3-4yo,  getting ready to start Junior Kindergarten!  6-week program, meeting once a week.

Backpack Adventures: Support early literacy through play. For families with children 3-4yo, getting ready to start Junior Kindergarten!  6-week program, meeting once a week.

Subscribe to our EarlyON Newsletter to keep up to date on upcoming programs and topics. For times and days of our next programs sessions, and to register, please see our CALENDAR

For more Family and Parenting supports, visit our FAMILY AND PARENTING SUPPORT PAGE