Students Will All Graduate (SWAG)
Carlington Community Health Centre and community partners are collectively working to address high dropout rates in the following four communities: Shillington, Debra Dynes, Bellevue/Caldwell and Parkwood Hills.
The Students Will All Graduate (SWAG) Program provides credit-based academic support, social recreation programming, mentoring and relationship building, and skill-based leadership programming. SWAG is offered by a team of Youth Workers, Ontario Certified Teachers and Volunteers 4 days a week throughout the school year.
SWAG is responsible for removing the barriers to success that are faced by SWAG participants. This is accomplished through ongoing advocacy, programming, and communication among students, their parents/guardians, and secondary schools to support student success.
To be an eligible youth in the program, participants must live in the neighbourhoods listed above, and be identified by their schools as at-risk of not graduating.
For more information, please contact the SWAG Program Coordinator 613-722-4000 ext. 322.