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Client Rights and Responsibilities

Ultimate Guide On the online communityCarlington clients have the right to timely and equitable access to programs and services that reflect the unique needs, preferences, beliefs, social, cultural and spiritual values of each client.

Clients are clients of the Centre, not of individual care or service providers. Service providers aim to respect the wishes of the client about disclosing information. However, some sharing between CCHC providers needs to occur in order to provide appropriate and quality care.

Clients have the right to:

  • Privacy, confidentiality, and equitable access to services and care
  • Request services in the official language of their choice
  • Be informed about the nature of their care, including any risks and benefits
  • Make decisions about services or support, including the right to refuse or discontinue service or support
  • Provide input into the planning and provision of services
  • Professional, dignified and respectful care; without discrimination
  • A safe and secure service environment
  • Access their personal health information / file
  • Be informed the Centre may refuse service when necessary
  • Know about all available services at Carlington
  • Be informed when they are being served by a student and retain the right to decline this service
  • Make a complaint, give feedback, and advocate for policy and system change
  • Give us a compliment!

As a client you have the following responsibilities:

  • Attend, and arrive on time for scheduled appointments, or provide 24-hours’ notice of cancellation
  • Be respectful and courteous to other clients, volunteers and staff at all times, and refrain from inappropriate language
  • Acknowledge that the needs of other clients may at times be more urgent and take precedence over your own
  •  See your designated service provider, unless otherwise deemed necessary by Center staff
  • Participate in your own care
  • Provide relevant, accurate and complete information to your provider to assist them in providing appropriate care
  • Follow your designated care plan to the best of your ability
  • Understand that most services are subsidized, however some health services may not be covered under insurance plans and clients may be required to pay for themselves
  • Respect the Centre’s property and comply with Centre regulations and policies
  • Refrain from the using scented products (i.e. perfume that can affect the health of others)
  • Refrain from using street drugs or alcohol on the premises
  • Refrain from taking pictures or recordings clients, volunteers, or staff without their consent
  • Understand that any forms of abuse or threats of abuse, either verbal or physical may result in restriction or termination of services

Please click here to view our full Clients Rights and Responsibility brochure. If you have any questions please speak to your care provider.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

In addition to the Client Rights and Responsibility brochure, patients receiving primary health care at the Centre,  may also refer to our Patients Rights and Responsibilities brochure.

Client Feedback Survey

We would like to hear from you! You can take our survey in the following languages :


